Mahonia media “Charity”

This has to be one of the most popular shrubs for all year round interest.  This picture was taken mid December and the spectacular flowers give a lift to any border, especially as they are scented.

Sample the fragrance and lift yourself from winter doldrums.

The evergreen, spiky foliage can be used to form a deterrent hedge or for floristry, if you can bring yourself to cut it.

Small, dark shiny berries form after the flowers.  This widely adaptable shrub can be grown in shade and in any soil.

Overgrown specimens will survive hard pruning and shoot back from old stems, a word of caution though as they may not be things of beauty after you have done it.  Try to reduce clumps gradually over a few years, if time and patience allow.

Many varieties are available, choose a healthy specimen from a local nursery, put gloves on to plant it, and consider putting a Fatsia japonica (False Castor Oil) next to it.

These architectural plants give a garden design year round structure, they had exotic appeal but are surprisingly hardy and require little attention.

Two of my favourites, as Bruce says.


Top Tip:

Don’t wash your hair with your hat on!

To contact us:

Phone: 07977 037572


Plant of the month